Extra-Curricular Activities (updated)


Extra-Curricular Activities

Puzzling interactive games and problems for you to enjoy!

Below you can find links to websites offering some puzzling, interactive games and problems you may enjoy until we can resume offering our services normally again.

Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival

Lots of fun and interactive puzzles. There are also some Virtual Math Circles Events.

Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest

A fun contest for Grades 1-12! Written at Chase building, Dalhousie University, usually in March. Registration typically opens in December or early January.

Caribou Contests

Completely online contests. The link above leads to some fun math games.

Purple Comet! Math Meet

Taking place around the world in April, Purple Comet! Math Meet is a free, online, international, team mathematics competition designed for middle and high school students conducted annually since 2003.

Canada CyberSTEAM Challenge (C3)

The Canada CyberSTEAM Challenge (C3) is a national online competition aimed to encourage students in grades six through twelve to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems involving science, technology, engineering, arts, and math.


Limited number of worksheets downloads for free. For a reasonable subscription fees, more access is available.

Games 4 Gains

Require creating a free account. Several worksheets are available for free, others may require paying some fees.

Po Shen Loh

Free daily YouTube Live Stream. It’s an “Ask Math Anything”, taking any middle/high school math questions serving the wider public.

Problem of the week - CEMC

Each week, the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) posts problems from various areas of mathematics for students from grades 3 and up.

Parallel by Simon Singh

Weekly math challenges. 15 minutes of interesting, fun and challenging material that goes beyond school maths: mystery and history, activities and oddities, puzzles and problems.

Problem of the week - NCTM

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) posts weekly math problems for each and every student.

Math is Fun

Free worksheets and math games for all levels.

Cool Math 4 Kids

Free math games, lessons, quizzes, manipulatives, brain teasers and more for kids, teachers and parents.

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

Offers a list of STEM interesting activities beside math!

Contact us for ideas on how we can best serve your needs!

Contact: Reach us through our form HERE.

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